Stefano Cagol/TBOE at the Eni Village

Stefano Cagol has reached Borca with The Body of Energy (Il corpo dell’energia), a transnational nomad project that moves across Europe, stopping in various places of production of physical and cultural energy.
“The project, result of an announcement promoted by the German energy company RWE, talks abotu the relations between energy and environment, territory, culture and resources. Through complex technological equipment, Cagol works with the visualization, on a formal and chromatic level, of the nergy emitted by our bodies, from the heat sources, from buildings, from the landscape.”
TBOE has come to Borca on the 8th of November 2014, gatheing energy portraits, interacting with the environment and involving the public.
Thus, the eye of the artist and the one of the infra-red camera, have captured the energetic soul of the people and the location, lighting up the corridors and ramps of the Colonia, and painging with heat on Gellner’s architectures, including Johanna, the great majolica heater, yellow-hot in the Lower Cabin of the Colonia (Eng.: summer camp building).
Stefano Cagol
The Body of Energy (Il corpo dell’energia)
November the 8th, 2014

Photo: Stefano Cagol, Sergio Casagrande, Giacomo De Donà
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