Plateau project, Elisa Bertaglia, opening


On Sunday August the 31st at 3:30 pm, at the capanna media of the Summer Camp Building of the former Eni Village of Borca di Cadore, the graphic-installative artwork Plateau project by Elisa Bertaglia will be inaugurated.

The artist has realised her artwork through one of the residence projects activated for the Summer 2014 by Dolomiti Contemporanee.

The appointment is at 3 pm in front of the Sales Office of the Village.

How to get there:
Those arriving from Belluno, once you reach Borca di Cadore from the SS 51 Allemagna, follow the road signs pointing to “Villaggio Corte delle Dolomiti”. Having reached the Eni petrol station, turn right towards Mount Antelao. At this point, you will already find yourself in the wooded area in which the Village is situated: follow the directions for the Sales Office (ITA: ufficio vendite).

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