Thursday March the 24th, 2016
2 PM
Colonia, former Eni Village of Corte di Cadore
Borca di Cadore

An open studio by progettoborca. Photo by Giacomo De Donà
On Thursday, March the 24th the Colonia (Eng.: summer camp building) of the former Eni Village of Corte di Cadore will be open to the public, with an open studio by Progettoborca.
During the visit, which is going to last about two hours in lenght, it will be possible to explore this fantastic architectural creation by Edoardo Gellner, discovering the pieces realized by the artists in Borca.
Indeed, we’d like to remind that the Village has been, for over one year, the setting of an international artistic Residency program (here the artists involved, and their artworks).
Starting from 4 PM, it will be possible to visit the Church of Our Lady of the Cadore.
We’ll met at 2 PM at the Offices/Bookshop of Dolomti Contemporanee, inside the Village.
How to get there >>