Medardo I, the dc2015 rocket, as it was being set up in the village, last winter. The rocket, designed by aerospace engineer extraordinaire fabio balcon, landed on the new moon of borcia: the terraforming operation has begun – original photo: sergio casagrande
On Saturday, July the 11th, the DC2015 rocket was launched, the cultural Terraforming process started; a new phase, the fifth stage. The official Press Conferenc was held, at 2 PM, on the ground floor of the AS Pavilion of the Colonia, presenting the schedule and planned projects for 2015, several of which are already in progress. Milky way, naturally.
The house organ of Progettoborca was presented: “La Testata” (Eng.: the header), entropically diffused periodical paper of mental climbing and cultural gardening of the vertical landscapes. In the first number, several pieces on the artistical and cultural activities, on the history and memory of the Borcia Space Station (Corte Village), on the perspectives of regeneration and on the Residency program. The paper can be found at the Progettoborca bookshop, in the Colonia (Eng.: summer camp building) of the Village, and in the table football-less bars of the Val del Boite.
The Communication Campaign for Terraformazione was presented by the famous, charismatic, sometimes seemingly shady (just affectionate teasing, of course) Fabio Balcon, who curated it. The pictures of the campaign, will be projected, launched, spread, put into orbit on the media in the next few weeks and months, to introduce the different expeditions in the Space Sites in which we’re going to operate.
On the tail end of this post you’ll find, summed up, a few of the projects we’re tilling, after planting the seeds (here, you sow first and till the soil later).
Then, after the children of the Village’s Campsite (where many of our own have slept, prayed, cried, contemplated, even, in afflatus, and banged their heads against the wood), lead by Father Valentino and Raffaella, and steered by Alice, spent some time in the Colonia, their noses up in the air, our guests did the same in the Church of Our Lady of the Cadore.
And then, again, everyone down to the Colonia, alive once again, and pulsating; a green heart with a lynphatic system, concrete, metal veins and arteries, six-legged glass to contain the objects of attention, the care and ideas of the artists-disrupters, disrupters of shortage (of ideas) and inertia, who cross over each other every minute, now, in the Colonia.
And thus, on to the new combover of the Bear’s Cage, another magical cell of radiant enchantment for an astral dj-set, and the inverted happy hour of DC (which starts from Acqua Dolonia, to extinguish the hydration processes, that mustn’t be carried out to the detriment of alcoholic euphoria, and continues with Grappa Nonino, to abruptly raise the bio-psycho-attentive threshold and, this way, to reach Birra Dolomiti already well kickstarted; and the prosecco, in different shapes and forms, always nice. A carpet of grass, and woods, and jungle, of stimuli and landscape, of architectures with an alien aesthetic, in this atomic cosmos among peaks, whose nakes nucleus each person experiences in jumps (excepts the idiots: but we don’t invite any of them), here was exposed, and it reverbetated, the carpet of sound; you’re all carpeters, then: come and shake them.
Below, some pictures from the event (photos by Giacomo De Donà)
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Dolomiti Contemporanee, 2015 season (Terraformazione) – Synthetic Press Release
On Saturday, July the 11th, the fifth season of Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC), whose title is TERRAFORMAZIONE, was officially launched. The official Press Release, open to the public, took place in the former Eni Village of Borca di Cadore, an important “constuction site” of DC, with its platform, Progettoborca, ever since last year.
Day’s schedule
2 PM: reception at the new offices of Progettoborca, realised thanks to the support of Minoter. The offices occupy the former reception building of the Colonia, another one of Gellner’s creations (Via Mattei 5). They house an area of public reception and info-point on the Village, and a bookshop put together with the collaboration of the Tarantola Bookshop of Belluno (texts on Gellner, Scarpa and on the architecture of the mountain, on art and design, on mountaineering and landscape), as well as the offices of Dolomiti Contemporanee. The building is also the new way into the Colonia.
2:30 PM: everyone moved to the welcoming hall of Colonia (ground floor, Pavilion AS). Here the Press Conference took place.
The projects and programs of the summer-fall season of DC were presented, all relating to the sites of Borca and Casso (Nuovo Spazio di Casso), to the International Artistic Contest Two calls for Vajont, to the new sites (former Paper Factory of Vas, Forni di Sopra, and to the new collaborations that have been activated.
The Communication Campaign of TERRAFORMAZIONE, realised by Fabio Balcon, of Bra_Ba_M, was also presented. The paper of Progettoborca, “La Testata”, was shown.
Some of the not-yet-shown artworks relised in the past few weeks by the artists taking part in the Residency program in Borca were presented.
3:30/5:30 PM: Visit to the Colonia and open-studio, presenting new pieces, both realised and in the works, by the artists involved in the Residency program (Min-Ji Kim, Marta Allegri, Gianni De Val, Filippo Manzini, Giorgio Barrera, Barbara De Ponti, Andrea Visentini).
5:30 PM: Visit to the Church of Our Lady of the Cadore
6:30 PM: Happy Hour-buffet at the Bear’s Cage (Colonia)
4:00 PM/8:00 PM: music at the Bear’s Cage. LV-426 terraforming plant (alien sounds from the cage-space) djs: Kool de Sac, Brizia Fa, Rebecca Wilson, Mantaraffu.
Dolomiti Contemporanee 2015 – Terraformazione: sites, projects, programs, activities.
Former Eni Village of Corte di Cadore
The main operative centre for Dolomiti Contemporanee in 2015 is the former Eni Village of Borca di Cadore, where is active, ever since July 2014, the platform of functional and cultural regeneration Progettoborca. The extraordinary site of Borca, and in particular the humongous Colonia, are, by now, a large “construction site”/lab, in which dozens of artists, coming from all over Italy, and from several countries abroad, work, meet, live.
Indeed, an international Residency program is active in the Village, housed in the structures offered by the Minoter-Cualbu group, current owner of the site. The artists wotk, through they pieces, on the recovery of the potential, both historical and cultural, of the site. Many and varied the cultural and artistic projects that are going to be developed between July and November, some of them listed below.
A new paper for Progettoborca. La Testata.
The first issue of the Paper “La Testata”, dedicated to the cultural project of enhancement and regeneration of Progettoborca, to the activities being carried out within it, to the history and architecture of the site. The Paper was designed and redacted by Dolomiti Contemporanee, with a graphic project by Fabio Balcon of Bra_BA_M.
July the 9th-september 2015
Inventario/Vuoto/Moltitudine – research Lab in the Former ENI Village. The artists Filippo Manzini, Giorgio Barrera, Barbara De Pontiare activating their own research lab on the Colonia from July. The experience was born from the will to begin a dialogue on this location; thus individual needs were born, which found out to share procedural affinity. The result of the first revelation is summed up and made tangible with the realisation of a prototype in which different impressions and manners of operation are fused together, and heard. In the month of September, through an ulterior Residency program, this path, that could have different artistic solutions, able to activate even more processes, will found its actualisation.
July the 11th, Min Ji Kim, We or They, smoke, luglio 2015,site-specific installation , Colonia.
We or They: not a disjunctive duality, but an interrogation. The presentation of the smoke-colour in the Colonia puts into relation the structure of the geometric shapes-volumes of Gellner’s architecture and the ephemeral organic volume that, before scattering inside it, redefines space, in that dialectical relation. Full and empty. Heavy and light. Mobile and still. Present and alien. What is alien? What was, and still is? Or what is to come?
July-September: Marta Allegri, Disabitate, and workshop “REPAIR, Take care”, with the students of the Fine Arts Academy of Venice.
Marta Allegri has begun to work in Borca on the tail end of summer 2014. Her work is a continuous process, realised in different phases in time, through which the artist maintains, recovers, repairs, cares for the former nuns’ quarters, one of the many abadoned spaces inside the Colonia, giving them new life, even living inside them, fixing the domestic environments (living room, kitchen, bedrooms), repairing systems, plasters, masonry, and adding then her own artistic intervention, which inglobate parts and remnants of objects trouvé.
From August the 31st to September the 6th, her work will be shared with a group of students from the Fine Arts Academy of Venice (Bruno Amplatz, Rob van der Berg, Sofia Bonato, Cristina Calderoni, Ilaria Fasoli, Annamaria Maccapani, Miriam Montani, Aran Ndimurwanko, Giulia Sacchetto, Giovanni Sartori), who will work on the theme “REPAIR, Take care”. During the workshop, professor Riccardo Caldura will be present for a lesson of phenomenology of contemporary arts.
August the 11th-18th, Slovenia Pavilion
With the Slovenia Pavilion the format of the national artistic collaboration in Borca is inaugurated. The artists Vanja Mervič, Luka Širok, Aleksander Velišček, Špela Volčic,will work in the Colonia, which will house the first artistic lab of national participation for a week. The artists will work in group, interacting with one of the abadoned spaces of the compound, on a pictorial-installative projects focused on the themes of the border, the transition, and the alternate history. The work will not be completed: it will be taken up again in the following months, with new things being added to it as it goes on: the lab is a process activator: the artwork mustn’t be closed, the space must be open instead.
August 24th-30th, High-lab
The artists of the Giudecca (VE) based Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation atelier (Francesco Nordio, Enej Gala, Miriam Secco, Fabio Roncato, Matteo Stocco, Annalisa Zegna) will live for a week in one of the fantastic structures of the former Eni Village: the permanent tents Camping ground, 1.600 mt.s in altitude, in the heart of the woods at the foot of Mt. Antelao. They, too, will select a space inside the Colonia, and will regenerate it, using various materials found in-site for their artwork.
Other artists of the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation. Another groups of artists taking part in the Residency program of the Foundation in Palazzo Carminati (Valentina Furlan, Caterina Morigi, Davide Sgambaro, Sebastiano Sofia, Valerio Veneruso), will be in Borca to kickstart other “construction sites”-projects in August and September.
Before, and along.
We’d like to name some of the artists that, in the past months, have already begun and presented the procedures of artistic terraforming (works that re-utilise parts and objects of the original structures of the Village): Marco Andrighetto, Chiara Bergamo, Elisa Bertaglia, Gino Blanc, Stefano Cagol, Fabiano De Martin Topranin, Gianni De Val, Sandra Hauser, Stefano Moras, Luka Sirok. Artisti in esplorazione, lavori in corso: Giuseppe Caccavale, Luca Chiesura, Silvia Hell, Masbedo, Roberto Paci Dalò, Michelangelo Penso, Kai-Uwe Shulte-Bunert, Andrea Visentini.
September, spacial interactivity lab, curated by Marcello Cualbu.
In September, Marcello Cualbu will lead a lab of spacial interactivity which will involve the students of the Art Institute of Cortina D’Ampezzo and of some other schools of the Val Boite. At the basis of this lab we found the codex, the hardware and speculation around poetry, aesthetic and policy of space. An effort for open-source teaching and learning, in which we’ll muse over art and technology. A strenght of this lab is the context in which students and teachers produce an artwork together, and at the same time learn to use and teach themselves new instruments, like small inspectors, desectors, and actuators. The Lab will take place in the Lower Cabin at the Colonia and in the Lab at the M Pavilion.
Nuovo Spazio di Casso and Two calls for Vajont
The exhibitive activity at the Nuovo Spazio di Casso will begin again on Saturday, July the 18th. Saturday, July the 18th, at 5 PM the results of the International Artistic Contest Two Calls for Vajont, launched by Dolomiti Contemporanee in June 2014, will be made public. With the occasion, Twocalls, the shape of ideas will be inaugurated; a display of some of the projects selected for the final phase of the Contest, is going to be inaugurated as well. Through this exhibit the genesys, the meaning, and the current state of this ideative contest-project, which aims to rethink the relationship between history, tragedy, and the human, physical, cultural landscape of the Vajont area is told.
The exhibit will remain open from the 18th of July to the 16th of August, and will be open for visits from Thursday to Sunday, from 10 AM to 12:30 PM and from 3 PM to 7 PM.
The events scheduled for Casso and the Friulan Dolomites during the summer will be presented as well, and they include the second edition of the format of Paesaggi Contemporanei (Eng.: contemporary landscapes), inaugurated in 2014 with Marc Augé, and that this year will have as guests, among others, Pier Luigi Sacco and Giannola Nonino, and the collective exhibit Tonon ignà, which will be realised in collaboration with Stefano Moras (artists: Pamela Breda, Veronica De Giovannelli, Stefano Moras, Lorenzo Commisso, Roberto Da Dalt, Nicolas Magnant, Lara Marconi, Made in Lucania (Evelyn Leveghi), and that will take place between August the 22nd and September the 26th.
August-october 2015, Former Paper Factory of Vas
The former Paper Factory of Vas is the new “construction site” of DC. The spectacular compund will become a space of artistic and cultural experimentation. A Residency program is going to kick off in August (Elena Carozzi, Beatrice Meoni, Philippa Peckham, Maja Thonnen, Silvia Vendramel, Fabiano De Martin Topranin, Giuseppe Vigolo). We’ll work on some guiding themes, linked to the war-like regeneration of the location and its past, and to the production of new image-guides for its present.
The web of Dolomiti Contemporanee
Patronage: Ministry of the Environment, Dolomiti UNESCO Foundation, National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Keepers, Veneto Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Pordenone Province, Udine Province, BIM Piave, Belluno Dolomites Industrail Federation, Erto and Casso Municipality, Borca di Cadore Municipality, Belluno Province,Claut Municipality, Cimolais Municipality, Vajont Municipality, Longarone Municipality, Belluno Municipality, Vajont Foundation, Friulan Dolomites Natural Park, GAL Alto Bellunese, Montagna Leader.
Cultural partners: Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Merz Turin Foundation, Strozzina Contemporary Culture Centre, Modern and Contemporary Art Museum of Trento and Rovereto Mart, Institut Français, Association d.c.a., Real Academia de España en Roma, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – m.a.c.Lab, Progetto iccs, Mario Rimoldi Museum, Neonlauro, Studio Gellner, Leapfactory, Tabacco, Archeologia Industriale.
Media partner: Artribune, Espoarte, AreaArte, Bra.Ba.M.
Fundamental Partners: Minoter-Cualbu Group, Enel, Acqua Dolomia, DB Group. Partner: Grappa Nonino, Eolo NGI, Cuprum Elettromeccanica, De Bona Motors, Salus, Cooperativa Mazarol, Nuovi Progetti, Idrotermolux, Ecopietra, Sips Italia, D’Incà & C., Lattebusche, Conte D’Attimis Maniago, Birra Dolomiti, Vipa Ristorazione, Salewa, Dolomite, Impresa Artecos, Gioc Hotel, Lèbon, Cason Marmi, Procaffè/Bristot, Cervo Bianco, Ristorante Cianzia, Birraria Bauce, Pro Loco di Erto e Casso, SuperW, Sta srl, Magif Telecomunicazioni, Gi-Erre Elettronica, Color Service, CMI Centro Noleggio, Dal Farra Flavio, Libreria Tarantola, Lomax Servizi, Deon, Grava Angelo & Edy, Krea, Dolomiè, Tecno Isolamenti, Orzes Termoidraulica, Piave Maitex, De Rigo, La.Bell, Planet Ottica, Alpe del Nevegal, Biasiotto Vini, Diab, Limana Costruzioni, Hermann, D-Shape.